I’ve mentioned before how our life is completely different now than when I first started blogging in 2011.  I was entertained by toddler tantrums and preschool speech delays.  Now I’m entertained by how incredibly creative my kids are when it comes to claiming what is their’s.  

We do a lot of sharing over here.  Not only hand-me-down clothes, but there are no claimed chairs or seats at the table in this house, no individual snuggly blankets allowed only by one person, and definitely no pet assigned to each person.  We would need 6 of everything and well, sorry but No.  

Except food.  

These people claim their food.  It’s like when you find your favorite restaurant on a long road trip and you have to stop there because who knows the next time you will see another one.  My kids treat their favorite snacks and drinks like this.  They know Momma does a grocery trip once a week.  If they run out of something they like to eat, or forget to put it on the list, that’s another week without it.   

This scares them. 

Example: Rhett has a hiding place in the pantry up on a shelf.  We don’t use the lid that comes with our trashcan so it’s sitting there out of the way.  If you swing open the door of this lid that’s sitting on the shelf, you will find a number of snack items claimed by Rhett; box of Oreos, Goldfish, chocolate chip cookies, Cheez-Its, and maybe even a can of Dr. Pepper…. that he likely stole from his oldest brother’s claimed 12 pack in the outside fridge.  

Will hides his Swiss Swirls and Little Debbies behind the canister of pasta in the pantry.  I know all the places.  

Some things can’t be hidden so the hoarder must get selfishly creative.  That’s when Rhett stands in the kitchen eating directly from the carton of mint chocolate chip making sure everyone sees him.  Same for drinking directly from the jug of apple juice that he specifically requested on my shopping list.  Did everyone see?  My mouth is on this jug, it’s tainted now.    

Of course everyone is thinking that surely Cole the left-out middle child doesn’t selfishly hoard his food, right?  Insert expensive protein bars. They sit in the wide open at the entrance to our pantry and no one touches them but Cole because they’re gross.

He does however have to hide his beloved beef jerky in his bedroom under his bed.

So, you can imagine, how it was an absolute giggle moment for me the other night when I walked into the pantry to see this sitting on the shelf.  

Little sister capitalized on the moment.  


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