Nice to meet you!

Just a little bit about me, the writer of this simple, working-mom, small-town, large-family-kind of blog.
My name is Wendy. I’m Momma.

I’m married to this guy. We call him Daddo.

We’ve been together a looooooong time. Like decades. My first journal entry when I was 8 years old was about him.  It’s a sappy childhood story that eventually led to a wedding in a pasture, followed by four kids.

We have three boys and a little lady. This is them when they were prepubescent and sweet.

Daddo and I do our best, but like all parents we make mistakes screw up royally from time to time. The main things we’ve learned over the last 19 years of parenting are that you definitely can’t control or plan everything, you need to attempt to take time for yourselves both alone and as a couple, and most importantly just love and support your kiddos.

Some stuff about ME:

* I’m a Christian
* I’m a traditional kind of person, mom and wife….I have a Journalism degree but don’t use it…. unless you count this.
* I’m a public school counselor.
* I love to travel. We had a travel trailer for 10 years with the kids.
* I’d rather be with my kids than go do something without them.
* I was a cheerleader in college, but played four sports in high school.
* I’m stubborn and competitive.
* I like to read books, but never do.

Some stuff about my Three Boys and Little Lady:

* Our oldest came up with Daddo as his first word and they used to all call him that until puberty hit and it was no  longer cute. 
* The oldest is rowdy and aggressive. The others are quiet.
* Three are sensitive.
* Two are dramatic.
* They shared beds when we lived in a camper for 13 months.
* Their favorite colors are blue, red, red and purple.
* They all love sports, movies, music, and snow skiing.
* They eat a lot and go through several jugs of milk a week.
* They all love to read long novels but also don’t have the time.
* All three boys have hunted since a young age.
* All four love to be around each other… not really when they are, but when they’re not, they miss each other like crazy.  

That’s my kids. They make my head grayer and they make me younger too. They make me who I am.

All moms need to find a passion (other than their kids) that feeds on their momma souls.  I have three things that keep me sane: Writing, Scrapbooking, and being physically active. One of those things I can only fit in about three times a year. The other two, you can probably figure out which ones, I do weekly or daily.

I have been writing since I received my first journal for my 8th birthday. Of course it has evolved from ‘I love this boy he is so cute that is all goodnight,’ (no punctuation intended), and into my current personal blog. Writing winds me down, calms me and keeps me focused. It also makes me happy. I’ve written about wonderful events in my life, stressful momma days, and the lowest, most horrible times in my life. My writing leaves out no details and is my reality as a mom, wife, full-time educator and my attempts at juggling it all.

Scrapbooking started from my love of pictures. I have always been a photographer at heart even when I had my old Polaroid as a kid. My undergrad degree was actually Journalism with an emphasis on Photojournalism. (did that job for about a year for a magazine). 

When we just had the first two boys and they were younger, I actually went on scrapbooking weekend retreats.  We’d scrap for hours into the night and bring our favorite foods to snack on.  So fun!  As my kids became involved in sports and weekend activities, my scrapping took a backburner as well.  I still enjoy pictures so much and have fallen in love with Instagram.  

I’ve always been physically active.  I was in four sports in high school and then continued with cheerleading in college.  As a young adult I was always a runner, both for enjoyment and a few competitive races.  When our kids were much younger, I could jog early in the mornings or during naptimes.  Finding the time to jog as they’ve become more active themselves, has been difficult.  

As I’ve aged, running isn’t quite as beneficial as it used to be.  My knees swell and my joints ache.  My metabolism has changed and running doesn’t cut it anymore.  I do still jog for the mental relief it still brings me… it’s my happy activity.  

Recently…. this side of 40, I’ve found Pilates.  It is my daily half hour workout and it makes my body feel so good!   

One thing I’ve noticed about all three of my momma hobbies is that they all are for me.  I do these activities without guilt of feeling selfish.  A happy momma makes a happy home!  Your mental health should not take a backseat.   

These kids….. oh how I’ve been blessed with this mess.  Our first two boys are 19 months apart.  Our third boy was born exactly four years and one week later.  And then 12 months after he was born I had a 5:30 am pregnancy test that was completely not planned!  This blog starts before we even had our Little Lady and it was titled, The Jackson Crew.  Now we have a college kid, two teen drivers, and two middle schoolers to make our Three Boys and a Little Lady!  Life is a whirlwind of changes and stages and each season is my favorite!   

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