Well, if you decided to read this post after seeing the title, then you must be a TRUE fan of my blog! Just like sports teams, there are t-shirt fans or bandwagoners. When their team is down they don’t support and in some cases even completely abandon their team and cheer for another, more successful team. So cheers to my TRUE fans. The ones who read a title like this one knowing it can’t be a cute, darling, sweet post, yet still want to read it. So here goes….
Daddo and I have been potty training #3 for about 3 weeks. It actually only took him about a week to get the pee pee down 90% of the time. We no longer use diapers and we even wear undies overnight! Yea! So why the title? Well, we haven’t gotten down the poop thing yet and well, when little boys poop, they also pee naturally. So daily, yes he’s a very ‘regular’ kid, we are cleaning up poop in the underwear along with trail of pee that came with it. Poor guy hasn’t learned to time it out yet but he tries. He’ll sit on the potty for minutes at a time trying to get the job done. Then he’ll get to playing again, squat down with a toy and, how does the song go, WOOPS there it is.
So we have that going, plus as I’ve mentioned before, we also have the Queen of spit up residing in our home. Its not so much the quantity as it is the frequency of it. ALL THE TIME. We change her clothes a few times a day, use bibs, sit her still after eating it doesn’t matter. My dainty little girl lets it spew!
So that brings us to one evening last week when it all just came to a head. Our evenings are crazy busy anyways. We are a very routine family and the dinner, baths routine must happen at certain times for it all to mold together smoothly with Cora Love’s schedule too. I had to run to the store and was just returning as I pulled in to the driveway. Daddo was outside with the waterhose spraying off some poopy underwear with the look of ‘I shouldn’t be doing this’ face.  So I head in and start (or finish up) dinner. Keep in mind, Cora is spitting up all during this time; from the car to the house, while sitting in her bouncy seat, while I’m holding her, etc. She’s either spitting up or drooling. I get the boys at the bar with their plates ready and all are happy while enjoying their meals. Then Rhett says ‘I poop.’ Wait, didn’t he JUST poop I thought? So I went over and checked his shorts and yes he had pooped AGAIN. I was just about to bathe Cora while the boys ate so as to remain on our ever-moving schedule of evening activities. So I asked Daddo to clean him 🙂 He soon found out by wiping his hand in the brown stuff that this movement was far less solid than the most recent one earlier in the evening and it had spread up his back. Rhett had the look of defeat on his face. So Daddo snatched him up from his chair and they commenced to both take a shower. I continued to prepare CL for her bath in her little tub in the kitchen sink. I was holding her cute little naked toosh when all of a sudden a warm fluid started to run down the side of my stomach, drip down my leg and splatter onto the kitchen rug below. I looked to see my shirt soaked and I just started laughing. The big boys who had witnessed this entire poop, pee escapade while sitting at the dinner bar also began to giggle. I walked back to the bathroom holding the still cute and naked baby and showed Daddo, who was then spraying off the poopster in the shower, my sopping wet shirt. I started laughing and said, ‘Isn’t this the life?’
It IS the life, the best life and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Update: Cora still spits up, still pee pees uncontrollably and Rhett is still having poop control issues. BUT we are continuously entertained by our exposure to bodily fluids. We know that one day not only will our children have complete control of this stuff, but even talking about it will cause the ‘Aw Mom (Daddo) that’s emmbarrassing!’ response. So we roll with it for now.

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