We’re on the downhill slope of the third week of school for this new year. For some kids, it’s about the time when the class schedule and routine is settling in and the days are becoming just a count down to the next weekend.
For others, especially those fresh little ones who started school for the first time this year…. the fun, exciting newness has worn off…… and the shear exhaustion has set in. Cue the whines, the meltdowns, the passed out naps in the car seat or the dinner table; cue the ‘Do I have to go EVERYDAY?????’ from these chubby-faced, just-now-wiping-their-hineys-on-their-own, Kindergartners.
Yes, the precious Kinders after the first three weeks of school. Such a change from that perfectly dressed, eager picture-taker with a smile from ear to ear on the first day….

These little ones have been stripped of their afternoon naps, morning snacks, Momma’s lap and cartoons and are now psychologically disturbed and starving independent students.

Case and point: my 5 year old.  

Days 1-10 ended with a bubbly, bright-eyed kid telling me everything about his day from the hallway lines to the hand held pencil sharpener. He reminded me every night at bedtime to read him a book and he loved practicing his letters. He was so excited about all his new experiences, that he jumbled his words together trying to spit out everything from his little mental list of ‘Gotta tell Momma’ stuff.

He was eager to fill out the book of fundraiser sheets that unbeknownst to him his brothers have had to fill out every year. But he was excited, so Daddo sat there and wrote down every family and friend’s address from the first 20 alphabetical names in my address book. (some of you A-H people may get a form in the mail from Rhett’s school; just ignore, thanks.)

Mornings 1-10 he was the quickest Jackson kid to get dressed and eat his breakfast. He offered to feed the animals and would bound out the door and into my car. On the way he would tell me little facts about his school and class. We have an awesome playground; I have three friends, one girl and two boys; we learn about the day and the calendar every day; we have our own library and all our own books, with TONS of books!
I just listened and absorbed it all with a big momma grin.

Week Three, Days 11-14 and after a long 3-day weekend: precious, excited Kindergartner has transformed into a tired, picky, stubborn, whiny, never-hungry-for-dinner kid with possible anger issues.  He’s fallen asleep on the last two car trips to soccer practice. He’s the last one out of bed in the morning and argues about each piece of clothing that is laid out for him, even though he gave the OK on the brown shorts and orange shirt the night before. He’s changed his mind and ‘Can’t wear church shorts to school!’  He’s cried the last two mornings while brushing his teeth because the toothpaste didn’t come out right and is falling off his brush. He cried while eating his cereal because Daddo mistakenly gave him the ‘wrong bowl.’ He cries while putting on his shoes because his ‘sock is cwooked.

This morning, this morning, was just the worst. Cried so hard before getting out the door that he started gagging and throwing up. Then crying more because of that. He’s not crying because he doesn’t want to go to school.  He loves
school. And he’s definitely not crying because he wants to stay home or
with me. He’s T-I-R-E-D.
And the wrinkled socks, wrong bowl, wrong
shirt, bad toothpaste; it’s all rocking his exhausted little world. In the car he was an angry little sucker. Between his continued sobs, he told me he was never going to talk to me again. He was never going to ride bikes with me again. He was never going to HUG me again. I just responded with ok.
Then he said, ‘And every time you talk, I’m going to cover my ears!’ 
‘Ok,’ I said. ‘I love you.’
And he didn’t cover his ears. He was quiet for a minute. Then he looked at his little rubber watch on his wrist that he had just earned for that dad-gum fundraiser booklet (don’t forget to check your mail) and his mind turned to that. ‘My watch doesn’t fit my wrist. But I’m glad it’s blue. Cannon wanted green. He got green. They also had orange and red. They didn’t have purple. I’m glad I got blue.’
And just like that his tears had dried up and we turned into the school drive. As he grabbed his back pack to climb out of the car I attempted another ‘I love you’ . 
‘Love you, too. Bye Momma.’ 

Oh my heavens, the first weeks of school are hard for their little bodies and minds to adjust. It is a whirlwind of firsts and then the routine for the next 13 years sets in. The special excitement is gone as quickly as it started. The honeymoon is definitely over.
Now get to school.

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