6 weeks ago my family embarked on a camping trip on the Frio River in south central Texas. It was an amazingly not-relaxing vacation that taught us so much about traveling, camping, river floating and just being parents. I’ve decided to write about this trip through our pictures followed by a list, of course, of items necessary for such an excursion. We came away with so many good memories…. Definitely some we’ll never forget whether we want to or not.
1. Bring baby transportation for the walk from campsite to swimming area.
3. River shoes come in all sizes. Get’em.
4. Camping essentials include lawn chair and Pop Ice ( begging brother optional ).
5. Must bring floaties for the non-swimmer or just those who want to attempt to ‘stop the wibber.’
6. The river is most fun in groups!
7. Learn to skip rocks.
8.Bring a tube with or without a bottom. Preferably with for holding snacks and drinks.
9. Bring one cute outfit for going out to dinner at one of the local joints.
10. Bring your big boy pants and your adrenaline!
11. Bring your best friend!
12. Pack a lunch for your 3-3.5 hour float.
13. For those not so convenient moments, bring toilet paper and a zip lock bag. Large rocks come in handy when needing a flat space to change a horribly poopy diaper… On the river.
14. Include your big girl pants too! Cliff jumping!
15. Don’t forget your Goldfish snacks and cute boys!
16. River hair is a horrible effect that can be minimized with leave-in conditioner.