Once again, our family had a very memorable Christmas this year. Everyone was a year older and a year closer to both understanding the FULL meaning of Christmas and sadly understanding about Santa. Daddo and I are really having to up our game when it comes to Will and even Cole’s questions about the big guy. We took #1 and 2 to ride the Polar Express. We took them in 2009 when they were 3 and just turned 5. For them, it was an awe-inspiring, emotional experience. I don’t think their eyes blinked a single time during the entire train ride. This year was a bit different. New questions, new concerns and different experience all-together. Cole asked where we were going to eat. Will asked if he could take his PSP onboard. Knowing that the Santa on the train doe snot have a real beard and that is how the boys distinguish the real guy from his ‘helpers’, we had to explain Santa was not home this week and his helper was indeed holding down the fort, or pole. Will said, “Will there be cocoa and cookies?” I gave him the affirmative to which he said, “ok, thats all fine then.”
Yes, they had a GREAT time and yes I got some wonerful pictures, with also the help of the Bigbie’s. But there was more horse playing going on, less jaw dropping expressions from the boys and Jake and I ended the night a little sad. Two of our soon-to-be four children are getting a step closer to leaving the childhood realm of innocence and gaeity. That’s why we keep having MORE!
There were several other questions asked during the holiday festivities of 3-4 weeks. Jake and I did the best we could to answer them while at the same time reminding our children of the true meaning of Christmas. Cole’s questions included: “Is Santa for real?”, “How does he get down the chimney?”, “Does he really know if I’ve been good or not?” And Will asked less but at bedtime Christmas Eve as I was saying the cliche parent-at-Christmas statement, “Santa won’t come if you’re not asleep,” Will states emphatically, “You’re not going to bed yet, because you and Daddo are Santa!” I didn’t even acknowledge the statement, kissed them and turned out the light. That was after our reindeer food was made, milk and cookies placed by the fireplace, and Daddo had read The Night Before Christmas. I wanted to cry, but then remembered the baby in the room next door! I still have years of this fun stuff! Thanks to Katy and Uncle Ash for helping Daddo and I stuff stockings and put out the gifts. I’m always an anxious wreck worried about them coming out their door. But it was done, and Christmas morning was a wonderful success. The boys were all giggles and smiles and NO Santa questions were even thought of. Cole, though, had a hard time seeing his great big bike in front of the fireplace and was so excited over his little tiny Captain America and motorcyle action figure. 🙂 We attended church and a great service (wish Christmas was on a Sunday every year). What a wonderful time!
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the December Holidays….. there’s of course MANY more that I took with my new present that Nonnie and Grump got me, but I had to choose only a handful to show. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Love, The Jackson Clan